September 2020 Featured Artist


September 4th through September 27th

Robert Nelson’s art involves primarily recycled materials assembled into whimsical Assemblage Sculptures.  A lot of Bob’s sculpture materials are found along Benicia’s shoreline.   This trash trove might have floated out on to the Bay and Ocean if not saved for Bob’s creations.   As a retired County Planner he is acutely aware of our Throw-away Society and our ever growing landfills.  With that in mind the hidden message in his work is Let’s do a better job reducing trash and how we dispose of it.  Driven by his sense of community, vivid imagination and wicked sense of humor he’s doing just that.    

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Always a fan of Outsider and Folk Art, Bob adds visual movement to his sculptures bringing what was static trash a new life and story.  Robert Arneson’s work has long been a favorite of Bob’s so he enjoys keeping Arneson’s mischievous and playful touch alive and well in Benicia.
